"Are you ready?"
I was trying to find a quote to sum up what's going through my mind, but nothing fit. That's when I realized... why don't I just make up my own?
"It's not about being ready, it's about getting out there and taking that risk even if you're not." -Charis Ramsing
"Are you ready?" That's the question I've heard the most the past couple weeks. Well no, I'm not. What exactly does ready mean? I don't think anyone can be ready to say goodbye to their family, their friends, and leave behind the world they love. It's not easy.
Even if I had all my bags packed and ready to go, I myself wouldn't be ready. I keep telling people that it doesn't feel real yet, (and it really doesn't), but I don't know if and when it will. I've been waiting for that moment where it suddenly clicks and I'm ready to go, but I've realized that's not going to happen.
"It's not about being ready, it's about getting out there and taking that risk even if you're not." -Charis Ramsing
"It's not about being ready, it's about getting out there and taking that risk even if you're not." -Charis Ramsing
"Are you ready?" That's the question I've heard the most the past couple weeks. Well no, I'm not. What exactly does ready mean? I don't think anyone can be ready to say goodbye to their family, their friends, and leave behind the world they love. It's not easy.
Even if I had all my bags packed and ready to go, I myself wouldn't be ready. I keep telling people that it doesn't feel real yet, (and it really doesn't), but I don't know if and when it will. I've been waiting for that moment where it suddenly clicks and I'm ready to go, but I've realized that's not going to happen.
"It's not about being ready, it's about getting out there and taking that risk even if you're not." -Charis Ramsing
Love this :) I hope you have fun! Can't wait for you to get back!